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Corinthian History Part 2: War Against Corruption to New Hope

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

This continuation of the history of Corinth follows the epic struggle that was the war to prevent the entire world from falling to the dominion of Corruption. In it the forces of the world gathered together and a new force surfaces that would forever change Corinth.


The War Against Corruption began as the forces of the Kingdom of New Light marched north with the goal of invading the Kingdom of Refuge and reunifying the Humans under a single king once more. Their forces, equipped with both pressed metal armor and weapons, were supported by corrupted creatures, and thought themselves to be unstoppable. As they neared the only pass into the mountainous Kingdom of Refuge from the south, flashes of light and screaming explosions falling from the sky decimated their forces. Not even corrupted dragons and gryphons, creatures granted to the humans to act as servants and protectors, were able to penetrate the defenses of Refuge and were felled by great exploding arrows propelled by fire.

With their plans frustrated, the Kingdom of New Light turned their attention toward attacking the Beast Human nations. It wasn’t long before the Big Cat Kingdom faced a swarm of corrupted creatures swimming across the northern end of the mighty river that separated them from the Kingdom of New Light. Unable to withstand the forces, the Big Cats fell back and did their best to hold their ground as the creatures continued on and attacked the Wolf Kingdom further to the north. The corrupted creatures probed the mountains on the western border of the Wolf Kingdom searching for a hidden pass into the Kingdom of Refuge but were ultimately driven back.

For a time, the corrupted Human forces of New Light fell back and fortified their holdings in the northern Big Cat Kingdom while creatures were sent further into the continent. During this time, Humans of the Exile began rallying together so that they might retake their homeland. It was also during this time that the Creator began calling people out of all branches of the Human race, both Beast Human and Human alike, to stand up and fight against corruption. To do this, the Creator granted each Ranger special powers so they could face and defeat the wielders of corrupted powers. It was later revealed that, even though the corrupted abilities of the fallen Humans manifested first, they were a counterfeit of the powers saved aside for the Rangers to wield from the dawn of Creation.

Despite the growing threat to Corinth, most of the Beast Humans on other continents were content to let the war play out and prepare to defend their own people. That is, until corrupted creatures began surfacing across the entire face of the world. There wasn’t a single nation where corrupted creatures weren’t emerging from forests and attacking unprepared towns and villages. Facing this onslaught forced the Beast Human nations to place their differences aside so that they all might work together to defeat the Kingdom of New Light and end the threat of Corruption.

Beast Human sailing vessels laden with supplies and any warrior that could be spared began sailing for the home continent of the Kingdom of New Light. Many of these fell victim to the steel ramming vessels used by New Light that, with their steam and oil driven motors, were able to chase down any vessel they sighted. Many others fell prey to Blight Dragons and Fel Gryphons ridden by Corruptors who had bent sea creatures to their will. Most of those that survived rallied in the unaffiliated Fox territories while the others bolstered the frontlines of the Big Cat Kingdom.

The combined Beast Human armies established themselves in the vast and mostly empty Fox territories and, with the input of the Rangers, determined their combined leadership structure and plan of attack. The Humans of the Exile put their differences with the Beat Humans aside and coordinated with the combined force. The forces trained in tactics to fight corrupted monsters while a growing number of Rangers, often chosen out of the ranks of the combined armies, helped to protect the armies as they prepared.

When all was ready, the armies advanced against a growing onslaught of monsters as they marched for the occupied portion of the Big Cat Kingdom with the goal of purging corruption from the face of Corinth. After the last of the corrupted were finally defeated, the victorious Humans of Exile examined the homeland they had fought for, alongside the Rangers and united Beast Human armies, and what they found was a land so tainted by corruption that it was impossible for them to live in it.

The Humans of Exile were consoled by their allies and were discussing plans to disperse once more among the Beast Human nations until their land healed when a Beast Human in a brown robe came forward. This individual was the first and only Beast Human prophet chosen by the Creator. The prophet revealed to them that the Creator had a greater plan for all the armies and peoples involved in the war than for them to disperse and led them all into the Kingdom of Refuge.

The armies were stunned and awed by the advanced technological wonders of the Humans of Refuge that far surpassed even the seemingly-magical electric lighting and engines of the Humans of New Light. Once the armies had been gathered into a great pavilion overshadowed by three massive structures, the prophet addressed the armies. As a reward for their devotion and retaking their homeland, the Creator was going to grant the Humans of Exile a new homeland that had never been marred by the taint of Corruption. The Rangers and their families were also to be given a homeland as a reward for their part in the war and because people would come to view them as gods on Corinth because of their powers. The Humans of Refuge, for their faithfulness, were also to be rewarded with a new homeland where they could be a people set apart by the Creator.

The prophet then went on to reveal that all three groups, the Humans of Exile, Humans of Refuge, and the Rangers would be given their new homes, not on Corinth but among the stars, and would be taken there on three space-arks that the Humans of Refuge had constructed. Once they had departed, the soldiers of the united Beast Human armies were to retrieve their families and claim the Kingdom of Refuge as their own. The Beast Human armies bore witness as the three massive ships lifted off and faded to nothing more than three diminishing specks of light in the night sky.

Once they had retrieved their families, the Beast Human soldiers renamed the Kingdom of Refuge to The Kingdom of New Hope. The prophet anointed a Fox as the first king of the new nation and gave the inhabitants of the new nation two charges. The first was that its people were to learn both the scriptures and the knowledge left behind by the Humans of Refuge and spread them throughout all of Corinth. The second charge was to guard the borders of the former Kingdom of New Light and prevent any from living there until seven generations had passed. Once that time had been fulfilled, the Kingdom of New Hope was to claim it as their own.


Next time, I'll continue the basic overview of Corinthian history and reveal many of the events responsible for shaping the world into what it is at the start of Drifters: Origins. There might even be a few surprises along the way.



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